Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday, Memorial Day, I drove through a local cemetery and saw all the flags, representing those who had served their country, many of whom had given their lives in doing so. For that reason, it's good to have cemeteries. They help us not forget. I find it saddening that so many have already forgotten.

But I find it amazing there are those who can stare directly into the face of truth and deny it. Denial of truth is encouraged in many parts of our world today. A huge block of the world's population now denies there was a holocaust. Others deny communism has taken many lives, despite the hundred million who died this past century in the Russia block, China, Cambodia and Viet Nam. Many believe the Salem Witch Trials resulted in the death of tens of thousands, despite historical data showing its numbers to be 25-50 people at most. Still others even deny the truth of what happened Sept. 11, 2001. 

Last March my niece, an Air Force Academy cadet, took a short trip to Bucharest, Romania, with three other cadets and an officer. Though attending a conference, they were able to visit some sites with the aid of a guide. More than the sites, most memorable to all five was learning that a significant portion of the Romanian people believe the events of 9-11-01 did not really happen. Their guide insisted on the fakery of the twin towers destruction and Pentagon, that it was the result of special effects staged to provoke the war against Iraq and Afghanistan. No amount of reason seemed to sway him that on 9-11-01 planes flown by terrorists actually did kill 2,900 people. 

I wonder how many Americans believe the same. Historically, groups of people have always chosen to believe falsehoods, especially when it fed the fires of their passion. But in today's climate of scientific provability, one would think things as huge as 9-11-01 or the holocaust could not possibly be denied.

One would also think that His miracles would prove that Jesus was greater than those around Him, possibly even the Messiah. In plain view of enemies and friends, He cured lepers, the blind, the deaf and the lame. In front of 5000 He multiplied a few buns and dried fish into a hundred baskets of food. He walked on water, turned water into wine, rose from the dead and appeared to hundreds alive. But that's not enough for some folks. It's easier to believe one's own version than see truth as it really is. 

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6) This is the ultimate truth that no one can change. Deny it, yes - but change it, no. Jesus is the only way to God. No one will come to the Father except through faith in His Son. Trusting what He did on Calvary and in the open tomb are all that is necessary for our salvation.  

If you find yourself in the presence of someone who denies obvious truth, stand up for what you believe. 

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