Tuesday, May 19, 2009


In the past I have tried to stay away from airing politically charged opinions, but I don't think I can or should any longer. I am retired, so I don't have to please those who employ me. I no longer represent a church body, so I need not fear church and state issues. I have a small readership, but no one is required to keep reading WEEKLY MESSAGE. If I have something to say, and technology and freedom allow me, now is the time to say it.

Today we are in a downward spiral in America, politically as well as economically. I used to say no President or Congress could change the course of government all that much. I figured government has so many policies and programs in place that require the status quo that we don't have to worry who is leading us on Capitol Hill. America would just keep going along much as it always has. 

I was wrong about that. Using the economic downturn as a springboard, our President and Congress have set in motion enough new things that will probably change our nation's course forever.

I wonder if politicians ever dreamed all this could fall into their laps so easily. There has always been the leftist desire to spread the wealth, but could anyone have imagined that things in the economy would come together to bring this about so quickly and easily? 

God always gives us the government we deserve. This was true in Old Testament and New Testament times and it's still true. Thus, we must deserve our current leadership which is bent on turning American from capitalism to socialism. Our elected leaders truly believe what they are doing is right. I do not believe DC politicians are floundering around, as some say, but that they are doing just what they want and believe is the right thing to do. And I'm sure they are amazed at how well and quickly they are doing it. 

I do not know if our present political leadership will accomplish all they are planning, but I do know the road ahead for America is going to be much rougher than the road behind. Given our fear of our political incorrectness, as well as our general inability to comprehend God's Truth, America will probably continue to slide more and more away from personal freedom and towards collectivist socialism. 

A News station today said polls reflect that only 21% now call themselves Republican while 53% call themselves Democrat. Those figures are not about political party membership; they show our rapid shift to the left, away from personal responsibility and towards a nanny state. They show a radical knee-jerk reaction to the past. They show what people are hoping will happen in the future.  "Change You Can Believe In" has duped a majority of our nation. It is change for the worse.

Jesus said in John 8:31-32, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." His Truth, of course, is about eternal life by faith, but the principle behind what He said is the best we can follow. The truth does set people free, if they are willing to stand firm in it. The reason so many are giving up their freedoms today is because they are giving up being Christ's disciples. They are running away from Jesus towards all sorts of shallow humanistic trends. 

Perhaps they are running in fear of the few who are turning our titanic ship of state around, directly into the path of the iceberg. Unless Americans rediscover the Truth, they will never be set free by the Truth. We are never set free by giving up freedom. True freedom comes only when we trust Jesus Christ as Lord, and then try our best to do what He tells us. Freedom does not come from turning over to government decisions we ourselves should make.

As sinners, we will always fail to do all that's right, but we must still try to do as much good as we can in our homes, churches and communities. The secret to a good society is individual responsibility of the citizen, not government programs. God forgives those who realize their error, and when they seek the Truth, He gives them strength to do what is right.

May God give Americans the faith to trust in Jesus Christ, the courage to speak the Truth in love, and the desire to do whatever it takes to keep the ship out of the path of the iceberg.

The Truth can still set us free!

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