A lot of people I know feel they don't have enough time to do all they want to do. Busyness can be imposed or created, real or an illusion. We can feel we're busy while not really doing anything. Retired people know all about that.
The story is told of a father who was so busy that he always brought work home at night from the office. He'd spend a little time with his children at supper, then head for his home office where he shut his door for an hour or two of more work. His first grade daughter saw this and eventually began to wonder why her Daddy did that.
One night she asked Mommy what Daddy was doing in his office. "Daddy's working - he has a lot to do, so much that he can't finish it at the office every day." The little girl thought for a moment, and then in a compassionate, childlike way said, "Well, then, why don't they put Daddy in a slower group? That's what we do in school." (I wonder how Mommy related this to Daddy. )
Are there days when you need to be put into a slower group? If so, the only one who can do it is you. Take a moment to look at your life. Are you neglecting the important things, such as cultivating relationships, in favor of that which is secondary?
Our Lord once said, "I have come that you might have life in all its abundance." (John 10:10) When He died on the cross it was to grant us eternal life when we die. It was also that we might trust Him for all things now, including a little contentment and joy in life.
Maybe we don't need to be put into a slower group, but a group that moves at the Lord's pace and according to His priorities. At your life's end, will you look back and wish you'd spent more time at work? Will you rejoice at the time you spent with your hobby? Or will you give thanks for time spent at home and with loved ones?
What group do you need to be in?
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