There was a recent article in the business section of a newspaper that interested me. It urged older Americans not to worry about leaving any inheritance to their children. The message of the article was clear: "You don't owe the next generation anything. You've earned it, so get out there, spend it and live for yourself."
Those sentiments are a bit like a bumper sticker I've seen, "SKI CLUB MEMBERS - Spending Kids' Inheritance." Perhaps this idea is meant to help retirees enjoy life, but it's a poor way to do it. Aside from the obvious "RBS" (Really Bad Stewardship), it encourages an attitude of selfishness that helps no one. Everything we have is a gift from God, and we must use it all carefully and wisely, in every generation.
Leaving an inheritance is, of course, more than one's possessions. My parents left us a small amount of money, and that only due to a wise brother's investment on their behalf. Their real legacy was who they were and the godly example they gave us. Their greatest inheritance to us was the faith in Christ they instilled in us, one that was embodied in a wall plaque that read, "Only One Life, 'Twill Soon Be Past - Only What's Done For Christ Will Last."
My wife and I plan to leave an inheritance to our two sons. It already includes a good education and a secure childhood. It will include an ongoing example of marital love and devotion that will equip them for a faithful life. We've left them positive character traits, good work habits, and attitudes that should give them strength and endurance for most situations of life. We've tried to show them when to stand up and speak, as well as when to sit down and listen. And we plan to leave them a financial inheritance as well.
Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." A parental legacy must first and foremost involve Jesus Christ. Teaching our children the way of salvation through faith in Him is the greatest gift we can ever give them. Showing them Christ through regular worship, sharing of material blessings and respect for God's Word, will do more for our childrens' futures than a thousand times the money we could ever give them.
What kind of inheritance are you leaving?
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