Romans 8:28 says, "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Consider the story of Anthony, a member of my former congregation, who contacted me last week via Email. Anthony is a gifted young man with a successful business and a fine family, including two children he adopted. Here is what he wrote me:
"I'm coming down to Phoenix over the next two weeks for the trial of the man who allegedly killed my uncle. Certainly it is a time that makes a man think. Lately, one particular event has been in my thoughts. When my uncle was killed, his killer was not caught by police, but by five men having their weekly Bible study. The young men were meeting in a Phoenix home having their class when they heard someone trying to break into one of their cars. Not knowing who he was, the group of men caught him and held him until the police arrived.
"All of my life," Anthony continued, "I had been an atheist. As I became more and more versed in evolution in college, I leaned towards being an agnostic. In the months prior to my uncle's death, I came to a point where I literally said, 'God, I am ready to believe, just give me a sign.' I know one should not test or challenge God, but that was my mindset. Then we got the call about my uncle's murder and how the suspect was caught, and I saw that as the hand of God, His five fingers, reaching out to catch him. That sealed my faith, then and there."
In the days after his uncle's death in 2003, Anthony began attending Epiphany Lutheran Church. On an impulse one Sunday morning, he turned into our parking lot, and God led him to keep attending. In time he came to faith in Christ, received instruction and was baptized. I later officiated at his marriage, and baptized their infant son and his two adopted children. Anthony and Lynn are dedicated believers who bringing up their children in the nurture of the Lord Jesus.
None of this would have happened had not God so arranged it. Anthony might not have been seeking a sign, his uncle's killer might not have been apprehended by men attending a Bible Class, or he might have kept driving past church that Sunday morning But it all happened in such a way that today Anthony and his family are believers in Christ.
When life brings us troubles, whether earthquake, illness, accident or bad judgment, whether it's random, by the will of evil people, or by our own bad decision, we need to realize God may be putting together something good for our future. Then trust Him to show you what that will be.
How has God put things together for good in your life?
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