For centuries mankind has used windmills to pump water, grind grain and saw wood. In the past few decades a new use for windmills has been found - producing electricity. My old family farm in Minnesota may once again have a windmill, a far larger, more technical version of the one we pulled down fifty years ago after getting our new electric well pump. The owner is considering whether or not to allow some windmill power turbines to be placed on that land. These will generate needed electricity.
But there may be a genuine "fly in the ointment." Some wind turbines have encountered a problem that can cause them to malfunction. While they work fine at lower speeds, at higher wind velocity the blades can get hit by bugs, and enough dead bugs on the blades can reduce their efficiency and electrical output. Some operators have found it is necessary to wash off the buildup of insects periodically to avoid decreasing turbine output. Doing this makes sense, for it is necessary.
In a very similar way, buildup of small sins in a Christian's life can become a real problem. Unrepented little sins can drag us down. All people are sinful. We all need regularly to repent and be forgiven. Lack of willingness to repent can harm our faith. That's why Christ's disciples urged each other to confess their sins often and be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 tells us, "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Repentance means realizing sin, stopping it and asking God's forgiveness. Small unrepented sins can lead to big problems. They can rob of us joy and make us feel spiritually defeated. When we live only by our own energy and strength, we are running on diminished power. It's a losing battle. Satan loves unrepented sin, and he makes us think sin is acceptable, perhaps even virtuous. "It's not really wrong - no big deal - everybody does it - don't worry!" he says.
Repentance makes sense, for it is necessary. When Christ forgives us, our life starts anew. He helps us see the reality of sin and helps us get focused on what is truly right and wrong. Best of all, He gives us joy and strength to live a godly life. Repentance keeps the bugs from overcoming us.
Sin drains our strength, but forgiveness restores it!
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