Sunday, December 24, 2017


Missionary Allen Konrad and his wife served in Africa, and we’ve corresponded for 40 years. Mary Lu sent us a Christmas letter from Missionary Carolos Winterle of Mozambique:

Fir trees don’t grow here, so a tree is not traditional.
There are no lights in houses or shops because most villages don’t have electricity.
No sweets or cookies are on the tables. Most families don’t even have tables in their straw huts.
There are no gifts for children because there is no money to buy them.
There’s no big Christmas meal, A plate of rice might there, but probably food made of white corn flower.
No Santa Claus. “Father Christmas? What’s that?”
No last minute gift shopping at the Mall because there are no Malls, and their needs are mostly food.

Christmas songs are sung with joy when Christians gather to celebrate the coming of Jesus, the Savior.
Christmas prayers express thanks because Jesus the Light shines on those who were formerly in darkness.
Christmas is full of hope when the Nativity Gospel is read and promises of God’s love are heard again.
Christmas is full of love when family comes together after worship to share pot of rice and maybe some meat.
Christmas is centered on Christ, not traditions. Those are good, but the Gospel of God’s love is more important.

“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. To you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

Thanks, Jesus, that You came to be Savior to us all.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, December 17, 2017


(From the author's next Daily Devotional, EVERY DAY WITH JESUS
due to be published sometime in 2018.)
        Perhaps you can remember your children playing T-Ball games when they were small. Maybe you even played a game or two yourself. Whoever dreamed up that game was brilliant. Every kid gets a chance at the fun and joy of playing the game.
        In T-Ball, a baseball is placed on a rubber tee about waist high for five- and six year-olds. When the batter is “up” he or she swings the light bat until the ball is hit, and then takes off running around the bases. 
        In a T-Ball game years ago, a little boy hit the ball surprisingly far to the outfield. Even more surprisingly, every player on the field from every position ran out to get the ball! When one of them reached it, there was no one left to throw the ball to – they were all in the outfield! But they all stood together, cheering and jumping up and down that they’d found the ball and could watch the runner rounding the bases.
        Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christians could have such exuberance together, giving praise to God for Jesus in their worship? Most worship services are quite reserved with those present following whatever comes next in the order of service. At this time of year, however, we are coming to a time of special services when people sing loudly the many verses of their beloved Christmas hymns. 
        How great it would be if we could keep the joy of the season for several months instead of just a week or two. Wouldn’t it be great if the joy of Jesus kept showing itself week after week? During a sermon I preached many years ago, a man said out loud, “Hallelujah! Yes, praise our Lord!” After the service he told me that’s what they say often during worship in his church over in Africa. It was a true expression of his joy! 
        Psalm 100:1 tell us, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord!” I invite all who read this to express your joy in the Christmas and New Year’s season and carry it with you into the weeks and months of the new year. Christ our Savior was born, and now He awaits us to come to Him in heaven!

May we never lose such joy in praise of God for Jesus!

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, December 11, 2017


        I was sitting on a bench in a shopping center waiting for my wife when the divine scent of baking wafted my way. Freshly baked cinnamon pretzels were coming out of the oven not twenty feet from where I sat. I quickly bought a small sackful, despite their caloric content. Fresh cinnamon sugar bread beats healthy food every time.
        The pretzel shop even showed some Biblical knowledge. One of their posters said, “The Sinful Taste of Cinnamon” and by a picture of a pretzel were the words, “The Original Sin.” These guys were good! A line on their paper bag said, “Moderation has a time and place. This isn’t it!” Truth in advertising - how about that!
        In a world that seems to live on shaded truth, it’s a breath of fresh air to see some honesty. Like the sign held by a smiling young man on the street corner that said, “Why Lie? Out of Beer. Donate Here!” I gave the guy a buck just for his honesty.
        Jesus could understand and forgive sin of all kinds, but He soundly condemned the hypocrisy of hiding lies behind selfish deceit. Those who did that best were usually religious “experts” of His day. Matthew 23:13 shows this: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces.”
        Honesty and truthfulness are needed for a culture to remain whole and strong. Lies and deceit are poisonous to everyone, even the perpetrator. Jesus said lying was Satan’s tool, and it seems to me the old Devil sure has a lot of help these days, especially in Washington, DC.
        To be honest, I need to stop driving around shopping centers before Christmas. After enjoying our cinnamon snacks, Carol and I got turned around and ended up on the wrong side of the parking lot. I finally found our car, picked her up and went home, but only after some badly needed exercise walking.

Shopping has a time and place, but this isn’t it!

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, December 4, 2017


        One of the joys parents or grandparents can have is seeing their little ones in a Christmas program. No matter where these are held, in a hall, classroom or even the church sanctuary, the place is abuzz with family and friends, awaiting the program to start.
        When the children come in, some are looking at the teacher, but most right away look at the audience, hoping to see or be seen by a familiar face. They had been reminded to pay attention, but they are looking everywhere else.
        They may wave when they see us, but they sing or speak together when it’s their turn, because this is their time. It may be a program about Christmas, but most children feel it’s really about them.
        Some adults feel the same about church. Instead of worshipping Jesus or doing a good deed for their Lord or His people, they want to know if people are paying attention to them or helping to provide their needs.
        Even strong Christians can be self-centered. After the resurrection Apostle Peter had just heard Jesus tell him he would be required to give his life for Him. Peter pointed at John and said, “What about him?” Jesus answered, “What is that to you? Follow me!” (John 21:22)
        We may get distracted by what others are saying or doing, or we may think God has a better plan for their life than for ours. But His plan for each of us is the same: to follow Jesus.

Lord Jesus, help me follow You, no matter what!

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, November 26, 2017


(From the author's next Daily Devotional, EVERY DAY WITH JESUS
due to be published sometime in 2018.)

        In Paula Fox’s fine little book, The Second Mile (Inspired Faith, 2009), she writes that “going the second mile” has its roots in first-century Palestine when a Roman soldier could compel a subject of a conquered land to carry his pack for him one mile. Resenting this rule, Israelites obeyed by going one mile, but not one step more.
        However, in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus countered this resentment, saying, “If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.” (Matthew 5:41) Going the Second Mile represents a higher law of kindness, generosity and love. Going the Second Mile means living above the norm, treating people with kindness and respect regardless of what we feel they may deserve. 
        This concept deserves our consideration, since this is surely not how most people live today. Little thought is often given even to following a rule, much less going beyond it to help someone. 
        Going the Second Mile is based not on emotions but on choice. We can choose to do a kind deed, not because someone deserves it, but because we want to live as Christ directs us. 
        Our world today is filled with anger, jealousy and selfishness. The antidote to these negative feelings is not resentment, rage, or demanding one’s rights. It is the “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness gentleness, faithfulness and self-control,” that Paul speaks of in Galatians 5:22-23.

It can turn us from being a victim into a victor. 

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, November 19, 2017


        A member of a family had just died while doing her duties as a nurse. The medical assistance helicopter she was in crashed during an emergency run, and there were no survivors. She left behind her husband and sons, as well as the others in the family, all of whom had already lost an adult member, either through death or divorce. Weeks after her death, the remaining family members had gathered for Sunday dinner and were talking about how much they missed her.
        In a quiet moment of reflection, the grandfather said, “Someone said we are all passing time, and each of us occupies our chair very briefly. I believe the time we had together with Linda was a gift, and we are all the better because she occupied her chair so well. Some may say we have had more than our share of loss, but I see God’s light in this family every day. And though I may not understand it, I trust in His plan for us all.”
        This past summer Carol and I have received word of several good friends who have passed from this life and into eternity. We all have experienced loss through the death of a loved one, someone precious to us who has “occupied the chair” of life among us. It is a blessing of God that we are allowed to do so. Our Creator God has a plan for us all, and although we may not understand it, we can trust that His plan is good for us all. 

“Oh Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.” (Psalm 106:1)

Rev. Robert L. Tasler.

Monday, November 13, 2017


        Here is a little story I’d like to share with you. You can take from it whatever thoughts you wish, and even if you think the attitude within is rare, it is certainly something we might seek, no matter what our age.  
        A 92 year-old woman had decided to move into a nursing home. Her husband of 70 years had passed away, necessitating her move to an assistance facility. And she had also become blind. She was well dressed, poised and held herself proudly as they helped her from the car into a wheelchair. “I certainly don’t plan to spend all my time in one of these,” she said with a smile. “I’m just helping you get to your new room,” the attendant said. “Of course, and thank you,” the woman said with a smile.
        As she was being wheeled down the hall, the attendant stopped now and then and described her surroundings, the Office, the Dining Room, the Library, the Exercise Room and other areas. As they went, the elderly woman said with an enthusiasm almost like a child at Christmas, “Oh, I love it already,” 
        “But we haven’t reached your room yet,” the attendant said. “That doesn’t matter,” the woman said. “Happiness is something I decide on ahead of time. Whether or not I like my room doesn’t depend on whether its window faces a tree, or if it’s a small room, or even how the furniture is arranged. It’s all in how I arrange my mind. Before I ever got here,I decided to love my new home and my room.” 
        “You see, this is what I try to do every morning. I figure I can either spend the day moping about my life, or I can get dressed, smile and decide to be thankful for what I still have. Each day is a gift from God for me, and as long as I remember that, I can be happy.”

“I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” (Philippians 4:11)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, November 6, 2017


        A week or two ago I was making a list of things to do before we took an extended trip. It included 1) Disconnect outside hoses, 2) Turn down thermostat, 3) Lock windows and doors, 4) Winterize cars, 5) Turn off water heater, and many other items. When we return, that list will be on the kitchen counter where I left it with all items crossed off.
        We make lists because we want to remember things, and we’ve learned we cannot always trust our memories. Martin Luther made his list of 95 reasons why the church needed to be reformed and follow the Bible. Yesterday at worship on All Saints Sunday, we remembered a list of people who have died during the past year in that congregation.
        And now in south Texas, sadly, there is a list of people who died in church because a man committed the evil act of murder. God, too, has His list of Ten Rules which people must follow instead of their own sinful ways. To ignore or deny them leads to our destruction.
        Lists help keep us organized. With them we remember, prioritize and accomplish things. Lists can help us do the right things in life. For example Apostle Paul had his list of nine Fruit of the Spirit: “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Against such things there is no law,” he wrote in Galatians 5:22-23.
        Sometimes we misplace our lists or forget to take them with us. What good is a grocery list if it’s left at home? What good is a list of things to do if we don’t intend to do them? God wants us to remember the important things, for instance, that He is God, that we need Him, and we should love each other and know His Word which tells us of His Son Jesus who died to forgive us so we can live with Him in eternity.
        Last week my sister-in-law wrote me a nice email with some good lists in it. It concluded with this list of three. I think they are worth memorizing.
        1. The NICEST place to be is in someone's thoughts.
        2. The SAFEST place to be is in someone's prayers.
        3. The VERY BEST place to be is in the hands of God.
Now there are some things worth remembering!
Rev Bob Tasler,

Monday, October 30, 2017


        Ever since God gave mankind life on this earth, words have formed the basis of communication. Whether by mouth or sign, people have expressed ideas, information and influence as best they could.
        While speech in itself is remarkable, some people are very good at it. Consider what this man says, and whether or not you’ve heard or read similar words:
        1) “Freedom is the possession of those who have the courage to defend it.”
        2)  “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”
        3) “Wealth is to be properly used, not just something to boast about.”
        4) “Time is the wisest counselor of all.”
        5) “What you leave behind is not what is engraven on monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”

        Pericles, the man who uttered these profound words, lived 2500 years ago. He was one of the most prominent and influential of Greek statesmen during its Golden Age, and his ideals turned Athens into an empire. Besides being an outstanding General, Pericles promoted the arts and literature, helping Athens become the educational and cultural center of the ancient Greek world. A champion of democracy, his projects on the Acropolis included the majestic Parthenon.
        Pericles spoke many more such brilliant concepts that have endured through the ages, and yet his words compare little to the words of a carpenter from Nazareth. The reason is simple: Jesus’ words go past this life and into eternity. Earthly life can be amazing to experience, but eternal life in the presence of God offers hope and joy we cannot find this side of eternity.
        1 Peter 1:24-25 says, “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
        History has heard some remarkable thoughts from people such as Pericles, but his words cannot compare in significance to those of Jesus.

Don't you wish someone today could speak so eloquently?
Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, October 23, 2017


        One never knows how much one’s life can be influenced when God puts a special person in your life, someone you really need to know.
        This past October 3, heaven opened its doors to a dedicated and caring servant of God who helped change my life. Rev. Leland Wendland departed this life after serving as pastor nearly 60 years. He was my internship supervisor at St. Mark’s, Minot, ND, 1969-70, and his guidance turned my life around.
        After a bumpy six years of college and seminary training, Vicarage (internship) assignment was at hand and I didn’t want to go. My wife urged me to find a Lutheran teaching position, but despite several promising interviews it was too late to be called, and I lacked key training as a teacher. 
        I can still recall that St. Louis spring day when we first met Pastor Wendland with his bright smile and positive attitude that put us at ease. As he told us what to expect from life and work in North Dakota, our fears quickly melted. Later when we met his gentle, sweet wife and their young family of seven, we knew God had led us to the right place and especially to the right person. 
        Working with Lee was never dull. He gave me independence and responsibility that helped overcome my uncertainties. He showed me true Christian service and how God wanted to use my abilities. I became a pastor because he believed I could do it, and he helped me to believe in myself. I thank God that He brought us together that year. 
        Lee was a powerful preacher of the Gospel of Jesus. He once told me a pastor’s job was to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”  He didn’t invent that concept, but he lived it in his ministry and urged others to do the same. I thank God for His faithful servants who have helped me, whoever and wherever they are. In our last conversation, a few days before he died, I told Lee how much he had helped me. 
        Is there someone special in your past whom God gave to help you? If he or she is still alive, maybe you should give them a call. Let them know the difference they made in your life and don’t forget to tell them thanks. 

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:7)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, October 16, 2017


        Sometimes when bad things happen, especially multiple things, we are tempted to ask, “Why?” Or, “What next?” Last Friday’s news carried such a story.
        A California woman narrowly escaped death during the Las Vegas shootings last month while attending a concert where nearly five dozen people were killed and five hundred injured. A thousand bullets rained down, injuring people next to her and killing one. But she had not even a scratch. A few days after returning home, however, she was forced to evacuate her Santa Rosa house due to a wildfire that eventually burned 4,000 homes and killed nearly 40 residents. While many nearby neighbors lost their homes, the woman expressed gratitude that her home was spared, 
        What would you say if you were her? “Why?” “What next?” “Thank God I’m still alive!” I’ll guess it would be the latter. If tragedy strikes all around and we’re still alive when it’s over, giving thanks to the Good Lord is surely the first thing to do.
        A farm wife suffers immense injuries in a machinery accident, confining her to a nursing home for the rest of her life. A young pastor’s wife is widowed when he is murdered while making an evening pastoral visit in Chicago. An middle-aged farmer who lost both legs in an machinery accident, loses his wife to a heart attack. A violent auto accident claims the life of a young wife, while her husband has no injuries. 
        Do we say, “Why?” “What next?” Or, “Thank God I’m still alive!” Sometimes maybe all three. Thanking God must be both said and felt, no matter what follows. As hard as it is to understand, Job the Old Testament prophet had it right when he said, “The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” It isn’t that we feel glad God is no longer playing tricks on us, but that He gives us any time of life to live at all.
        A 94 year-old WWII veteran told me of his experience in the Battle of the Bulge, and he repeatedly said,“Only by God’s grace am I alive.” He then quoted a poem his mother had sent him during the war, a hymn verse by Jesse B. Pounds he has kept with him always:
"Any where with Jesus I can safely go, 
Any where He leads me in this world below,
Any where without Him dearest joys would fade, 
Any where He leads me I am not afraid."
        “Thank God I’m still alive!” I’ve said that so often since our auto accident in 1984. I’ve never thought of it as luck, but a genuine goodness from God that He has allowed me to see my sons grow, and marry fine wives and be blessed with good children. And He also has allowed me to experience the love of a second good woman. 

It’s part of a gratitude that helps us say, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, October 9, 2017


        Why did Jesus come to earth? What was His purpose in being here? Ever since His birth at Bethlehem, mankind has struggled with what to do about Jesus. While many have tried making Him a great teacher, or a rebel, a peacemaker, a genius or even a charlatan, only His Holy Word tells us who He truly is, the Son of God and Savior of the world. 
        Dr. Donald A. Carson, in his book, Praying With Paul, wrote some remarkable words about Jesus’ purpose. In a quote often attributed to others (usually Max Lucado), Carson helps us zero in on the nature and purpose of Jesus. He wrote:
        “If God had perceived our greatest need was economic, He would have sent an economist. If He had perceived that our greatest need was entertainment, He would have sent us a comedian or an artist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, He would have sent us a politician. If He had perceived that our greatest need was health, He would have sent us a doctor. But He perceived that our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from Him, our profound rebellion, and our eventual death. So He sent us a Savior.”
        We cannot understand Jesus unless we see what He considered was our greatest problem, that sin has caused rebellion against God and tainted our entire world. Recent mass murders have again resulted in people asking why they happened and what can be done about them. Who has not heard, “If there is a God, why does He allow this to happen?”
        All manner of reasons and solutions may be given, but rarely do analysts consider the real problem Jesus came to solve, to forgive sinful people of this rebellion and help them to live better by power of the Holy Spirit. He didn’t come to stop sin, but to forgive its consequences. He didn’t come to create robots, but people who see themselves for who they are, sin-weakened sons and daughters who desperately need their Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus.
        Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The plain truth is that the tragedies we see in the world will remain with us until Christ returns again in a new heaven and earth. 

We must not cease trying to stop evil, but we must admit its true cause. 

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, October 2, 2017


        Hit by two powerful quakes in less than two weeks, Mexico City once again has reeled from the disasters that claimed hundreds of lives, demolished scores of buildings and left thousands homeless.
        Amid all the disaster, one special group of rescue workers has given their services to locate survivors. They go where they are needed and freely give of their time and safety. Who are they?
        Founded in 1986, the “Tlatelolco Moles” is a volunteer search and rescue group formed by a group of youths who pulled victims from the rubble of Mexico’s 1985 quake which killed over 5,000. These volunteers now tackle dangerous rescue operations, filling in the gaps when a government needs them. Hector Mende, one of the group's original founders, says they will go in and under debris where no one else will.
        Assisting in at least 22 countries so far, including the 2001 World Trade Center attacks and the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami, they have travelled to disasters in Haiti, Nepal and the Philippines. Some of the team had only just returned from relief efforts after Hurricane Irma when the recent earthquakes hit their homeland.
        They are unpaid workers doing life-threatening work. Why do they do it? One member said it was for the joy of finding someone alive. Initially having no formal training, the Moles are now instructed in rescue strategies, collapsed structures and risk management. With the help of the Civil Protection Agency of Mexico, the Moles now train others locally and participate in international disaster training.
        They locate and triage victims, clear rubble, find bodies and even help develop long-term recovery plans. From the safety of their own homes, they go into the dangerous rubble. Knowing they may not come out, they go in anyway.
        Our Lord Jesus did this on a worldwide scale in eternal fashion. He left His heavenly home voluntarily to find and rescue people from the rubble of sin in the world, in order that He might rescue us from eternal death. Jesus went into the world, knowing He would have to give up His own life in this rescue. 
        He was crucified for us, buried and returned to life, that all who trust Him might be saved from the crushing weight of their sins. He is now with us every day in this troubled world with its dangers and ongoing need for rescue.

”And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, September 25, 2017


        What do you do with your free time? Pursue a hobby? Read a book? Watch a movie? Play a sport? Take a nap? Most of us have some spare time we can use in a variety of ways. It is a rare person indeed who has no spare time, and that is one of the great blessings we have in life as American citizens.
        Jesus and His early followers lived at a time that was, surprisingly, more like our own than unlike it. There were the very wealthy, the politicians, the “well-off”, the middle-class and the poor. But no matter what kind of life people have, then or now, there is always a little spare time during which we choose what to do. And that’s usually a good thing, because God made people to have free choice. We are not robots.
        (Note that I did not say people have “free will”, since that’s a different matter. Our sinful nature does not allow us free will in the matter of choosing to follow God. The apostle Paul, inspired by the Spirit, said, “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3) To believe in Jesus requires God’s help.
        But we have lots of things we can choose to do with our free time. Paul, however, warns us not to waste our time when he says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17)
        I surely wish I could say we live in good times, but I can’t. As Paul says, the days are evil, the days now and the days in times past, and it is all due to the results of sin and rebellion that never leave us. One day, praise God, we shall be delivered from the evil days, and can live eternally with Jesus Christ our Lord. With all the foolishness around us today, I truly look forward to Christ’s second coming. May all of us be found trusting Jesus as our Savior.
        Philip Melanchthon was Martin Luther’s valued friend who helped him greatly with his ability to express Christian teachings, especially in the Augsburg Confession. In 1560, just before Philip passed from this life into eternity, he said, “In death we shall be delivered from our sins, as well as from the arguments of foolish people.” What a great thought. Maybe we can deliver ourselves right now from some of those foolish people.

I’m going to start by turning off professional football. It’s just gotten too foolish.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, September 18, 2017


        I have always had a hard time waiting. Whether in my youth, my working years or now in my later years, I often struggle if I have to wait for something to happen.
        A recent minor waiting event occurred this summer after I filed an Amended Tax Return that promised a fairly large refund. I was told it would take time for the check to come, so I tried not to think of it. But still, every day when the mail came, I hoped and somewhat expected it would be there.
        Finally, four months after filing, the check came, but even though it’s in the bank, I still think of it when the mail comes. I will get over it, but it showed me that hope can linger even after the waiting is over. Waiting can make a mark upon a person, even if you are sure the hope will be fulfilled.
        But what about unknown fulfillment, when we don’t know if what we hope for will ever happen? How does a hostage deal with waiting when it’s unknown when or if release will come? How does a cancer patient deal with waiting when it’s unclear if remission will come?
        How does the young lover wait when it is unsure if Mr. Right or Miss Perfect will come into one’s life? How do Christians deal with waiting for Christ’s promised return when decades and centuries continue to pass after His promise to return?
        If there is a goal we trust will happen, the wait may be easier. But when there is no end in sight, the wait can drag us down and our hope can get chipped away until it is abandoned and forgotten.
        Then, as always, we must trust God for the result. The Psalms are filled with encouragement to wait with hope in God’s timing: “We wait in hope for the Lord.” (33:20), “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits.” (130:5), “Hope in the Lord and keep His way.”(37:34) “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” (31:24), “Put your hope in the Lord.” (130:7).
        Mere hopefulness for a better future gives us little. Waiting in hope for the Lord (Ps. 33:20) gives us confidence, courage, and strength for each day, because we trust our almighty God will give us what He has promised.

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 49:3)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, September 11, 2017


        Greg Hobbs, Denver columnist, asked in a Denver Post article, “Why do people rebuild after natural disasters?” Hurricanes destroy homes, wildfires burn businesses and floods ruin communities. But when you ask disaster survivors what they plan to do, nearly all will say, “We will rebuild again.” 
        Why? Knowing another hurricane will come to tear down, or a wildfire will burn a future home, or a flood will come again, why do people continue to build in such places? Dobbs asked asked a southern storm survivor who’d lost homes in three hurricanes, why he planned rebuild again. Instead of giving him reasons, the man asked, “Where are you from?” “Originally San Francisco,” Dobbs said. “Don’t they have earthquakes there?” “Yes, but I live in Colorado now,” Dobbs said. “Don’t y’all have wild fires in Colorado?” said the man. Yes, Dobbs told him, in 2012 and 2013 Colorado lost over a thousand homes to forest fires, and most of them rebuilt their homes again.
        Communities along the Mississippi are destroyed by floods, but they rebuild again. People from Oklahoma and Kansas see homes and towns torn apart by tornadoes, but they, too, rebuild. Colorado has had enormous hailstorms destroy homes, autos and buildings, but people still rebuild and drive cars there. Dobbs concluded his article, “If one doesn’t get you, another might.” 
        Why do we rebuild in those places again? My Dad once told me a humorous story that ended, “Everyone has to be somewhere.” So simple, yet so true. With seven billion people on our planet, everyone has to be somewhere, and there is no place without some danger. 
        I’ve got some bad news: Humans are responsible for all these disasters. Yup, it’s all our fault, but not for the reasons climate alarmists would have us believe. 
        The original perfection of our world has been messed up by sin. Genesis chapter three tells us God cursed the ground because of mankind’s rebellion. Because of our sin, individually and corporately, we people have pain and suffering, no matter where we live. Thorns and thistles, work and sweat, pain of childbirth and families, all will be the lot of mankind until we return to the dust from which we were taken. That’s the reason for the disasters, not plastic or coal or carbon dioxide.
        But there is good news. God has promised us not only forgiveness, but also a new heaven and a new earth in the future, where God’s dwelling place is among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4)
        Meanwhile, we live and rebuild and do our best to find joy in the life God has given us. The new heavens and new earth will come because of God’s goodness in Jesus Christ. He will one day give His followers a more perfect existence. I don’t know about you, but I look forward to that day with great hope! 

May God protect and defend all who face disaster, and bring them new life and hope!

Rev. Bob Tasler (

Monday, September 4, 2017


        While it was sad to see the devastation left by Hurricane Harvey these past days, the cooperation of so many people helping others, locally and from distant places, was truly heart-warming. The enormity of the task of helping those who’d been flooded by the raging storm was almost matched by the enormity of the numbers who stepped up and helped out, doing what needed to be done.
        After hearing of all the division in America, it was wonderful to see people cooperating. Even the noise of the few angry demonstrators was drowned out by the thousands of those transporting, feeding and helping people and their pets. The political rhetoric was more subdued for awhile and it was good to see a few elected officials taking part in rescue efforts.
        Now this week comes another storm called Hurricane Irma which is rapidly approaching our East Coast, coincidentally coming at the same time as Congress returns from its August recess. In a few days, will we be able to tell who is making more noise, nature or Capital Hill? Will our nation’s capital itself be smashed with a huge storm? And since it is where they live and work, will any of our politicians will help out or just take cover until the storm passes?
        What it would be like if all 535 members of Congress would by necessity be gathered together in one huge building to help rescue Irma’s storm victims? Imagine if Congressmen had to rescue each other! Would such help be accepted, or would a flooded Red hand slap away a helping Blue hand? Might the whole affair become an endless photo op for use in fundraising?
        We’ve asked over and over, “What will it take for our country to come together?” Folks, we have the answer. Storm and devastation will do it, if we will just not run from it. Even tragedy can do it. We can only hope and pray, however, that the misguided leaders of North Korea won’t decide to blow some place on earth to smithereens just to prove they can do it. That kind of tragedy would escalate into the unthinkable. “From such a thing, Good Lord, deliver us!”

“Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.” (1 Chronicles 16:35)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, August 27, 2017


My new devotional - I've just published BLESSINGS FROM THE CRADLE, a short devotional for new parents of babies. See it at It's available on Kindle as well.
        Last week one of my doctors recommended I get another sleep test. I would never have thought sleep would be a problem for me, and yet it is, or lack of it.  Studies show that one in fifteen Americans suffer from some kind sleep apnea. Many struggle with snoring, but most need help getting more oxygen so they will get more sleep and have better brain function.
        I thought my lack of sleep was from taking too many naps during the day or from a bad pillow or mattress. It was more. I have resisted the thought of needing a breathing apparatus on my face at night, so I have tried my best to avoid one. But it’s time to face the music. Some things take longer to sink in for me.
        My doctor states with a breathing appliance I’ll not only sleep better, but feel more rested and stronger in the morning. Exercise and eating better are on the list now, too. The fact is, at age seventy-two there are a number of things I need to do to make my body work better and maybe last longer. 
        It’s important to treat the body God has given us as well as we can. Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise You, O God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I am so very thankful God has given me the life I’ve had in this body. 
        I’m not here to give you an “organ recital” of what’s wrong. We oldsters can be good at doing that. I just think it’s wonderful that no matter what problems you or I may have, there are doctors, nurses, procedures, medicines and health insurance to help us get better. 
        Most of all, there is our gracious God who hears our prayers and helps all those people and things keep us in better shape than if we didn’t have them.

Praise God for providing all that we enjoy in life!

Rev. Bob Tasler, 
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my website above -

Sunday, August 20, 2017


      Weekly Message comes to you a day early because I don’t want to miss our part of the solar eclipse as it comes to the United States tomorrow. In Colorado we’re not in the middle of the path, so local newscasters tell us all roads north will be clogged as the 565,000 population of Wyoming may double for a day or two. It makes sense for most of us in Colorado to watch it on television like most of you will.
      A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes perfectly between the sun and earth so that its shadow blocks all the direct sunlight except its corona. The sun and moon must be in correct alignment, and the moon’s elliptical orbit must bring it to an exact distance from the earth. Without all these and other divinely ordained alignments, there could be no total eclipse.
      What we will look up and see Monday, whether all or in part, will not occur again here for decades. America has had many total eclipses, but not one so broadly stretching across our continent. Total eclipses like this one are really quite rare.
      As I see it in person or on television, I will be thinking of the psalmist who wrote, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens… When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?” (Psalm 8:1, 3-4)
      God has made humans the highest of His creation, and if we are fortunate Monday’s event may even momentarily take our minds off national and international intrigue. At least for a day or so, journalists and politicians must relinquish their bully pulpits so the rest of us can look up and see something divinely ordained, three celestial orbs all in agreement. That alone should be proof of God’s divine handiwork.
      We humans work so very hard to master knowledge in our quest to make the amazing ordinary. Yes, mankind has advanced far, but this kind of event, designed by God and freely seen by so many millions, should tell us we still have a long way to go.
      But whatever we may know, God’s entering human history through Jesus is the event that defines everything else. In His Son Jesus, God offers us a look at His power, beauty and mercy. Most incredibly, He offers us place in His family for eternity. Nothing tops that.
      Given our knowledge and faith in Jesus by the Holy Spirit, even the most intelligent of us should stand in awe as we see this eclipse. We live on a delicately balanced world in its time and place in the universe. We are given a place by God where we are able to “live, move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) Because of that, we should join the Psalmist saying,
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!”
Rev. Bob Tasler,

Sunday, August 13, 2017


        Ever hear a knock at your door and wonder who it is? We live in a quiet Cul de sac and one evening heard a loud knock on our door. It was a salesman wanting to know if we would be interested in his services. After his rapid exit, Carol asked if there was a better way to see who’s on the other side of our door. Our door viewer was old and blurry, so I installed a new one with a clearer, wider view of who’s on the other side.
        These days, we need to know more than ever who’s on the other side of our door, with shady characters, politicians, and the noise of nations that can unnerve us. We fervently pray the noises outside will not be the sound of war, and we trust God that the leaders of all nations will be led by wisdom and common sense. 
        When David was attacked by his son Absalom in a revolt, he pleaded in Psalm 3:7-8, Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. May Your blessing be on Your people.” Quite a combination of fear and faith from a king!
        In our age of clever technology and ever-expanding knowledge, I find it amazing that we cannot have peace between nations. Use of nuclear arms can bring horrendous destruction to so many, so far away and so fast. We pray God will protect us, especially since we seem to have learned so little. 
        The reason for all this is, of course, mankind’s sinful condition. Sin gives us all a weakness in our souls that keep us selfishly fighting each other. We cannot blame the North Koreans or Islamic terrorists alone for our current situation. Our human condition propels us selfishly to want our own way and take risks trying to get it.
        In the midst of fighting a war against his own son, David showed his faith in God, “Let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.” (Psalm 5:11)
        To keep all humanity from total destruction, God gave us His only Son so that we may take refuge in Him and His sacrifice on the cross for us. Without Jesus, life would be hopeless. But with His mercy, we have strength for each day and hope for the future.

Like King David, may our leaders also be led by Almighty God!

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, August 7, 2017


        We’ve recently heard much about government “leaks”, secrets being told for the purpose of revealing information we’d otherwise not know or care about. Leaks of this type wield power over others, because knowledge is power, especially if it is something someone doesn’t want known. Government leakers want the world to know what they know, so they wield their power. 
        There is another kind of leak, however, that is also irksome, and perhaps more dangerous. It’s the kind when water leaks out of a pipe and into a wall or room. If that leak is unknown, over time it can be far more damaging than one that is known. I’ve had leaks in the past and am dealing with one now. 
        The first leak came years ago when a water supply tube broke behind a toilet tank and sprayed a gallon or two onto the bathroom floor before I got the valve turned off. Damage was limited to a few ceiling tiles in the basement and a new supply tube. Another time a ceiling pipe sprung a leak and quietly dripped water into the basement over a period of weeks. Damage was extensive with ruined wallboard, carpet and worse of all, mold.
        A third leak I am dealing with now. With our recent hard rains, water has been dripping in over my office window. It had dripped in before, but I had ignored it. Now any hard rain results in water on my desk. Hopefully my fourth caulking yesterday has done the trick and we won’t have a wet desk again.
        Our sins resemble those water leaks. Some foolish things we do are easily seen and heard, but our secret sins are unknown until their damage becomes apparent. No matter what we think, sin will show itself, and we dare not forget that “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23). No matter how successful we are in hiding, ignoring  or denying our sin, it will show itself and it will hurt us badly. 
        Thanks be to God that Paul didn’t stop with those six words from Romans! He continued, “But the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”  When we realize our sins and ask Christ for forgiveness, He will remove them. When we trust in Jesus, our sins will not become fatal. 
        I pray all the foolish and selfish government leaks will stop, and I further pray all those little quiet sins in my life will stop, also. I am grateful Jesus has forgiven them and I pray He will help me avoid them in the future.

I also pray my office leak stops, too.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, July 31, 2017


        This past Saturday morning a friend stopped by to pick up two of my devotionals and caught me putting away my ironing board. Yes, I told her, I do the ironing here at home, as well as vacuuming and occasionally windows. Carol does the other more important things around the house, but not ironing.
        I am not ashamed to admit I enjoy making shirts and pants look good, and it began when I went away to college. As I was the youngest and ready to leave home, Mom helped me pack a suitcase and Dad arranged for a ride to get me to Concordia College in St. Paul. One of the things Mom did the day before my departure was teach me how to iron clothing. “You’ll need to know this,” she said, as she imparted the basics of using an ironing board.
        Ironing was not only helpful for my minimal wardrobe, it also became a source of spending money. Seven shirts took about an hour, so I charged fifteen cents a shirt (or seven for a dollar. Dad often said a dollar an hour was good money). And the fabrics back then were much harder to work with than they are today. College men those days wore dress shirts to class, so word soon got out there was a fellow in Walther Hall who knew how to use an ironing board on Saturday mornings.
        Surprisingly, I learned to enjoy it. Ironing wasn’t hard work, and people were usually happy that I could make their shirts and pants look reasonably nice.
        Furthermore, the principles behind taking out wrinkles seemed to fit well with my growing concept of forgiveness. We regularly come to God with our dirty clothing, and He cleans it for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. If we ask Him, the Holy Spirit helps us iron out the wrinkles of life so we can live more like Jesus, and maybe not mess things up so much up the next time. Of course, being sinful people, we’ll always have personal laundry to do this side of heaven.
        A stretch of a metaphor? Perhaps, but one that comes to mind without fail every time I set up the board and plug in the iron. But don’t misunderstand me. I am not looking for business like I was back in the days when three to four dollars a week was respectable spending money for a college boy just off the farm.

“Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (Psalm 51:7)

Rev. Bob Tasler,

Monday, July 24, 2017


        How often have you heard it said, “You get what you pay for.” But old Ernie Johnson didn’t think it was true. He’d always bought on the cheap side because he truly believed “expensive” was only made so by the greed of the seller. “There isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the most expensive one and the cheapest.” he’d often said. And Ernie was proud his philosophy hadn’t ever been proven wrong (except a few times he won’t talk about).
        One day, as he was getting ready to join his wife who’d gone ahead to visit her sister, Ernie saw she’d already taken their only suitcase, so he went to town to buy a new one. At a crossroads along the way, he saw a pickup loaded with items and a sign, “FOR SALE.” So Ernie stopped to see what they had. And there it was, a brand new zipper suitcase. It was a big one and Ernie knew he could put a lot in it.
        Imagine how fast he got out his wallet when he saw the price tag - $4.89! He gave the guy a $5 dollar bill (“Keep the change, Bud”), took it home, packed it tight, and the next morning had a friend take him to the bus station (“Why drive when you have friends?”) Ernie proudly handed his new suitcase to the bus driver who tagged it and tossed it by the storage door where it promptly exploded! All the zippers on his new $5 suitcase (both of them) had ripped open at once and Ernie’s private things went flying everywhere. Totally embarrassed as he picked up his things, Ernie was certain he heard someone say, “You get what you pay for!”
        There is a time, however, when that saying is completely untrue. It is when it is applied to forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness comes to us free, with no price tag for us to pay. Jesus has already paid the price in full on Calvary’s cross, and it’s the most expensive price of all because it cost Him His life. Yet our Lord didn’t quibble about the expense. He didn’t complain about the price. He just paid it. And because He did, we are blessed forever.
         The apostle John has written, “The blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7) Because Jesus died and rose again, all believers get the precious gift of eternal life.

Thanks be to God WE get what HE paid for.

Rev. Bob Tasler,