Tuesday, July 24, 2007


In his novel, "Travels With Charlie," John Steinbeck wrote, “You don’t take the trip, the trip takes you.” I thought of his words yesterday when the temperature reached 111 degrees in the South Dakota badlands, and the little air conditioner could not cool our travel trailer any longer.

I didn’t consider going home, just wishing it was cooler like our house in Castle Rock usually is. That night the water in our trailer tank was warm enough for a bath without even heating it!

The day before we had driven through DeSmet, SD, site of five of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s "Little House" books, and I had been wondering about how the pioneers handled the heat, humidity and mosquitoes. They had no air conditioning, electricity, or any of the conveniences we have. There must have been times when they felt they could go no farther, handle no more heat, or work no more. But still they continued.

There are times in our lives when what we do may seem more than we can handle. A situation gets too far out of control, a responsibility seems too great, or a difficulty saps our strength. At such times we would like to quit, or at least let someone else take over. But we don’t know who we can ask.

At those times, perhaps we can, and should, give our troubles to someone else. Jesus is willing to share them, to help us handle that difficulty, or give us that strength we need. He may not take our troubles away, but He will help us deal with them. He won’t remove our loads, but He will give us stronger backs. Sometimes He just gives us a little needed hand.

When I was young, I was expected to help with the farm chores. One of my tasks was to carry pails of water for the chickens. I recall one night trying to use a five-gallon pail. It was far too heavy, but I kept on dragging it, splashing water on my pants. Suddenly, my pail got lighter! My older brother Fritz had come along side me and helped carry the load, lifting the handle with one finger, just enough to make it easier for me. I carried it, but he was helping me do it.

When the heat is too great, God is always there. When the load is too much, He will help. Ask Him for help, and He will give you even more than you need.

And He always comes with us on our trips through life.

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