Tuesday, July 10, 2007


“I wish I could have met him,” she said as we left the old house. Have you ever known or met someone famous, someone everyone knows? I guess it depends on what one would consider “famous.” We've all met a “name dropper,” someone who likes to tell others of the famous people (s)he knows. A fellow once regaled us such with an array of important people he said he knew, that we found him boring rather than amazing.

Carol and I recently stayed in Winterset, IA, the Madison County seat (“Bridges of Madison County”), and birthplace of Marion Robert Morrison, also known as John Wayne. We slipped into the final tour of the day at the tiny house on the corner of Second and South streets where he was born and lived three years before moving away. The rooms were filled with photos and memorabilia of “Duke's” life. The guide said as we left, “I met many of his family members last May at his 100th birthday. I wish I could have met him, but he died in 1979. He's buried in California.”

There is something in most of us that wants to know someone famous, someone who has made a name for him or herself. I must be one of those, as I've even had dreams about visiting with a president, an actor or other famous person. It felt good in the dream, and even awhile after I woke up. But I've never met any of those famous folks personally.

And yet I have met, spoken with, and have even been befriended by the most important person who ever lived. In fact this Person knows me at my worst and still loves me enough to die for me. He is Jesus of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the Son of the Living God and offers eternal life to me and everyone who trusts in Him. And I know Him very personally - I talk to Him just about every day.

My Friend lived a long time ago, but no one knows quite where He was born. We know approximately where He died, but His body is not there, or anywhere on earth, for He arose again from the dead and ascended into heaven. And though we may not have met Him personally, one day we shall see Him face to face. That will be a great day for all mankind, and all will rejoice at the meeting. All, that is, except for unbelievers.

And though He lived 2,000 years ago, all believers have met Him personally, for He lives in their hearts. There are thousands, even millions, of “little Christs” all over the world, in every nation and home where believers trust Him and call upon His name.

“I wish I could have met him,” said our guide. We may not have met him, but we can all have met Him, through His Holy Word, through His followers, in worship. and some day in glory everlasting.

And then we'll be with Him forever!

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