Monday, May 10, 2010


In 1964, in his third album, Bob Dylan sang, "The times they are a-changin'." While that's always been true, lately times seem to change faster. I know my body isn't cooperating like it used to. Life is no longer the way it was before, not with eyeglasses, hearing aids, daily meds, new aches/pains, and a fading memory (or have I already mentioned this?)

No one said life wouldn't be without change. Today our house is being painted, and for the first time, I'm not doing it. The hired crew is doing a great job, but an old shoulder injury keeps me from swinging a brush like I used to. These guys are caulking, scraping, priming, spraying, brushing and doing it far better and faster than I ever did. "The times they are a-changin'."

Politics, economics and legalities are changing also, and sometimes these changes make their way into the church, for better or worse. During such changing times we give thanks to God for what doesn't change. In the winter Carol and I attend an LCMS congregation in Casa Grande, AZ. It's a sleepy church, primarily due to so many winter residents, but we delight in always hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what else may happen, whatever new hymns, liturgy or special music may come, the Gospel of Jesus is always heard. That's also true of our home church in Colorado.

Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." I like that verse. His church may change, and His people may change, but Jesus Christ remains what He is and always has been, our Lord who loves us. He gave His life that we might have eternal life. He remains at heaven's gate with open arms, awaiting our arrival. As Henry Lyte wrote in 1847 in his famous hymn, "O Thou who changest not, abide with me."

I do wish life wouldn't surprise us with changes I'd rather not see, and I won't rehearse them here. I hope amid the changes we see in society that God will still have a place of honor, especially in His church. I pray that God's forgiven people will not abandon the Gospel or lay aside the essentials of the Christian faith. Times may be a-changin', but we don't want that kind of change.

Praise God the truth of Jesus Christ remains changeless!

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