Monday, May 7, 2012


There is a story told of a nobleman who went hunting with his Christian servant who had been witnessing to him by telling him of the goodness of God's plans. During the hunt, the nobleman was attacked by an animal and lost a finger from his hand. He angrily told his servant, "If God is good, I would not have lost my finger." The servant replied, "Despite this, sire, I can only tell you God is good. He knows why this has happened to you." In a fit of anger, the nobleman had his servant imprisoned.

Awhile later the nobleman went hunting again and this time was captured by pagans who practiced human sacrifice. Just before being offered on a pagan altar, it was noticed the nobleman was missing a finger, so he was let go. He did not meet their religious requirement that a human sacrifice must be sound of limb and body.

Upon return to his escape and return to his castle, the nobleman had his servant released and told him, "Your God is good, for I was spared." He then added, "But why did He allow you to be put in prison for a year?" The servant replied, "Sire, if I had not been in prison, I would have gone with you, and I would have been sacrificed, for have all my fingers!"

You and I may complain about our life and the negative things that happen to us. But we must remember that nothing is random for those who believe and trust in Jesus. Everything has a purpose, so every morning, offer your day to God. Ask Him to guide your actions, inspire your thoughts and ease your negative feelings. 

St. Paul tells us in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Do not be afraid, for God is never wrong!

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