Thursday, April 18, 2013


As I write this on "Tax Day," I have been watching the news about the senseless harm done to dozens of victims at the Boston Marathon today. I wish I could say this kind of tragedy is rare, but I believe events like this will probably increase. This kind of message is not what I had planned to send today, but I believe it is a somber reality. 
A few weeks ago I said in a sermon at Risen Savior, Sun Lakes, "The worst is not behind us – it is yet to come." It seems our world is speeding towards a crash we are unable to head off. It may be part of something the Bible has spoken of which has been called, "Satan's Little Season." It's a time of the rapid spread of evil as the calendar moves ever closer to Judgment Day.

Even as the Christian Church is gaining more members worldwide, the Evil One is moving others farther away from God. Because of this, we will undoubtedly see more senseless disasters in the future. We can only pray God will keep His people faithful to Jesus Christ in the coming years. 

Last week I asked people if they believed the Bible on their electronic device was still the Word of God. All respondents said it was, and I agree. Many said how wonderful it was to have the Bible so close at hand as they worked and traveled. 

I, too, give thanks to God that we have His Word in so many forms and so easily accessible at all times. I pray we also will read His Word and believe its message that Jesus is God's Son and our Savior. The Bible is the most important "app" we can have, because its message is life-changing and eternal.

May God have mercy on us as we move into a very uncertain future.

"In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:6)

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