Monday, November 24, 2014


Thanksgiving is here and each year I try to think of something new and special for which to give God thanks. This year I thank Him for His little surprises. My summer reading included a short book my sister gave me by SQuire Rushnell, When God Winks At You. It's a series of brief stories about people sensing God's presence through small events. The author says when small coincidences or events surprise you or help you, those are "God Winks," signs He is caring for you. It's where I read about Tim Conway and the white plastic cross he won at a carnival as a boy.

I had a little "God Wink" recently. I was having some tire work done in Colorado when a man and a young woman came into the store, and they reminded me of a family from India I had known years before. That family had come from India to North Dakota in the late 1970's with their two young children about the same age as our sons. They were Christians and became members of my church. I knew they were in the Denver area but I'd lost track of them.

I don't often strike up a conversation with strangers, but I asked this man and woman if they originated from India. He smiled and said, "Yes." I explained about my friends and after a moment he said, "I know that family. The daughter is married to my wife's brother." The young woman said, "I have a photo of her sister and daughter that I can show you," and she produced one on her iPhone. She also said they were on Facebook, so I sent them both messages when I got home. The next day one of them responded.

Even more coincidental was that earlier in that week I had been thinking about that Indian family and wondered where they all were. The three of us at the tire store were glad for our conversation because we were all Christians. It was a "God Wink" for all three of us.

"God winks" are more than coincidence. They are reminders that He is keeping track of us in this life, telling us He is near and guiding us to eternal life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. God never loses track of His children. We may do so in our busy life, or in our move to a new home or new job or different church. But God never loses track of us. He knows our every foot step.

It reminds me of a child's hymn, "I am Jesus' Little Lamb," which says in its first verse, "For my Shepherd gently guides me, Knows my needs and well provides me; Loves me every day the same, even calls me by my name."

Be on watch for any "God Winks" this week and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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