Monday, September 5, 2016


        Some Christians grow up believing work is bad, that it's a curse brought on by sin and must be endured as punishment. This mistaken belief can cause people to think what they do in their jobs isn't important, or isn't as important as the work of someone else, a doctor, teacher or worker among the poor like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the "saint of the gutters."
        But work, no matter what we may think of it, is good and helpful. It saves us from dullness and boredom. For much of my active ministry I looked forward to a time when I would not be hemmed in by a schedule of required activities. Now that I am retired I see every day the need for things to do, beneficial physical and mental activity to help myself and others. 
        Time hangs heavy on our shoulders when there is no work. True, it's a pleasure to have time off to rest and rejuvenate. Even Jesus Himself took time to rest and urged His disciples to do the same. But in due time we need activities, labor to shape and share our life with others. 
        The one who prefers to remain idle, who lives off the labor of others and expects others to provide for him, becomes more than lazy. He becomes a parasite, taking from others and giving nothing back. That person comes to expect that others "owe him a living" and so he creates any number of reasons to blame others for his state and mask his unwillingness to work. 
        Good work helps, and evil or neglected work destroys persons and eventually societies. Let's approach each day's labor, whether at a job or in some activity to help others, with an awareness of the dignity of working in the world God has given us. "God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

Relax awhile today, but then do something helpful to someone else.

Rev. Bob Tasler,

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