Sunday, September 11, 2016


Despite repeated attempts by lesser groups to force us into their way of life,
we are still free.
Despite endless laws from elected politicians restricting speech and actions,
we are still free.
Despite endless edicts from non-elected regulators to “protect us” with more rules,
we are still free.
Despite threats from elitists that our world will crumble unless we agree with them,
we are still free.
Despite courts legalizing actions humanity has wisely kept illegal for aeons,
we are still free. 
Despite being swamped by useless information,
we are still free.

We are free to worship God as we choose, despite what others may threaten.
We are free to defend ourselves and our loved ones, even with force, for it is a human right.
We are free to think whatever thoughts we may have, for no one can police our mind.
We are free to pursue happiness so long as it does not harm others in their quest.
We are free to cherish our loved ones and keep our Godly commitments until death parts us.
We are free to give thanks to God and mankind for the right to live life without fear.

Some may seek to take away our freedoms, but in Christ, WE ARE STILL FREE.

"If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE." (John 8:31-32)

Rev. Bob Tasler

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