Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Dear friends, It’s time to say goodbye. After about 25 years of sending WEEKLY MESSAGEs, I am signing off from this task. I started sending WEEKLY MESSAGEs to a couple of dozen people right after a friend showed me how to send the same (hopefully thoughtful or meaningful) message to many people at one time. Surprisingly, the list has hovered around a thousand email addresses during much of this time. I’ve enjoyed your comments, both kind and critical, and I hope the messages (roughly 1,300 of them) have served to help you think of something Godly, good or helpful now and then. It’s getting harder to come up with new material, and like my four different daily devotionals (found on Amazon) which required over 1,460 stories, the idea well has mostly dried up. Thank you for your faithfulness in reading. I you wish to look at any WEEKLY MESSAGE since 2007, you can perhaps find it on my blog site, http://pbtsplace.blogspot.com/, listed by year and month. Amazon will carry my books probably long after I’m gone from earth, and I hope one of two of those can bring a smile or a moment of peace to all readers. This entire experience has been a blessing to me. God be with you till we meet again, Rev. Bob Tasler, www.bobtasler.com

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