Monday, June 1, 2015


        A 2008 article in the Sacramento Bee newspaper by journalist Carlos Alacala told about a father and son who lived by the ocean and decided that for one year they would spend at least fifteen minutes every day searching together for treasure. The article said they went out each day in every kind of weather to see what they could find.
         The main result of their year of adventure was a collection of coins, golf balls, bottles and cans and various items that they sold for over $1,000. An even more precious result was their improved relationship from their hours of companionship and fun spent together.
         Joint adventure might be a good thing for many fathers and sons. Regular visits or activities can strengthen a fine relationship as they walk, talk about things and discover not only physical treasures, but also the treasures of love and trust. While it is rare that fathers and sons are best friends, they can be good friends.
         God would like to be good friends with us, and one way this can occur is if we decide to spend some time each day reading His Word. Luther once said prayer was like a conversation with God: God speaks to us as we read His Word, and we speak to God in our prayers and thoughts as we react to His Word.
         We are guaranteed that those times will bring us closer together with God. Wise King Solomon wrote, "If you seek insight like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God." (Proverbs 2:4-5)
         Growing closer to God in faith and love will not happen quickly. Gradually, day by day, we will find our self changed as we read what God has recorded for us through His prophets and apostles, and then learn to obey it.
         Think of the enjoyment we can have, knowing we will be drawn closer to God as we search for the treasure of wisdom and insight about God's Word and our own life.

God's Word is a lamp to guide us in life.
Rev. Bob Tasler
All my published writings at:

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