Sunday, July 12, 2020


Dear friends,
            A man was on a safari deep in the jungle. The days were hot as the guide and others with him chopped the undergrowth to make a path. Sweating and frustrated, the man said, “Where are we? Where is this path we’re supposed to be on?” The guide said, “It’s not important for you to know the exact place on a map, but it is necessary for you to stick with me and do your part. Follow me and keep chopping.”
            After awhile the man became angry. “But I want to know! Where is this path and where is it taking us?” The guide turned and said, “Mister, it’s enough for you to know that I know the path and where we’re going. Now stick with me and do your part.”
            We often ask the same questions of God, don’t we? “Where are You taking us, God? Why are we here? Where are we going?” But He doesn’t tell us all the answers we want to hear. We want to know the time, location and method, but God says, “It’s enough for you to know I know the path. Just trust me to get you there.”
            During the past months, we’ve all been wondering where the medical, social, economic and political troubles in the world are leading us. The answers to our questions seem impossible to find. We want more specifics, a timetable and a list of expectations. We want God to clear a path for us, so we won’t feel lost. “God, why can’t You get us out of this jungle? Can’t you take away the danger? How about some answers to our questions?”
Let’s remember that God’s Word says He knows our path, and that He will help us through this life to life if we have faith and stick with Him. John 17 says, “This is eternal life, to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
            Few of us know what tomorrow will bring or where the road will lead. We all need to have faith that Jesus will direct us on the right way and will one day bring us to eternal life. Life now may seem like jungle, a dense tangle of danger and confusion that blinds us to the path. But we may be very near the gentle meadow of peace and joy we all long for. We must trust Jesus.
            Whatever life may feel like right now, trust Jesus He’s with us on the road. He walks with us and shows us the path. He knows the way and what it will take to get out of the jungle. He knows the way, because He is the Way. He says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Jesus won’t leave us, so let’s trust Him on our Journey!

Rev. Bob Tasler,

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