Friday, July 10, 2020


Dear Readers,
        I am 75 years old, an ordained pastor in the Lutheran Church and have voted in every election since the Nixon-Humphrey matchup in 1968. Over the years I have heard every possible political promise made by those seeking election, and seen most of them broken or unfulfilled. I am pleased to report that the president who has fulfilled more useful and needed campaign promises during my lifetime than any other is President Donald Trump.
        He has worked to honor our nation publicly and without regret or backtracking, and has worked harder than any president I've ever seen to help various groups of people and our relationships with other nations. He has worked continually to keep America safer from external and internal enemies and has honored our nation's founders, our military and especially God and our religious churches and other such organizations like no other president in recent history.
        And all this, despite the continuing hatred, malicious lies and the constant enmity of the Media, Hollywood and the leadership of the Democrat party. How Pres. Trump has been able to deal with such negativity is amazing. And I hope and pray he will be elected again this fall in the 2020 election, because Joe Biden and his running mate will do everything possible to turn this country upside down with their destructive and unworkable liberal socialist ideals and plans.
        Our nation is becoming more and more intolerant of free speech, and racism is blamed for everything even though the word is misunderstood and a mere shell of what it truly was in past decades. Disrespect for Police and our past heroes is shameful to see. Elected politicians flaunting the laws and marching with rioters is shameful. Black Lives Matter and similar organizations do not wish to bring peace or respect to people. They exist only to wreck the American model of a democratic republic given to us in the U. S. Constitution. If it weren't for how Pres. Trump has stood steadfastly against lawlessness and disorder, the forces working to destroy America as we have known it would succeed.
        Our most precious freedoms in the Bill of Rights, especially Freedom of Speech and religious expression, are in grave danger. This brief written summary about my country will be read by almost no one, but if it were placed in the hands of the wrong people, I would be publicly shamed and even threatened. I give thanks every day that we have Freedom of Speech. It is far more important than our feelings. I pray it will never be lost, for any reason. And I pray God will somehow continue to bless America, despite the evil people bent on destroying it.

        Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Your mercy protect our nation and our president, Donald Trump. May we Americans never lose the freedoms You so graciously gave us through our Founding Fathers. Protect all lives and preserve our nation. In Jesus' name, amen!

Rev. Robert L. Tasler 
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, ordained 1971

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